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Community Corner

Exelon Honors Lisle Resident for Outstanding Volunteer Activity with Metropolitan Family Services

Exelon Corporation has recognized employee Adam Sadkowski of Lisle, Ill., with an achievement award for his volunteer service with Metropolitan Family Services DuPage Center, which provides support to vulnerable families. The volunteer recognition is part of Exelon’s annual Energy for the Community Volunteer Awards and comes with a $10,000 cash grant to the organization in Sadkowski’s honor. 

Sadkowski, an engineer at Exelon subsidiary ComEd, serves as an in-home senior respite volunteer with Metropolitan Family Services providing assistance to a DuPage County family caring for a senior who is affected by dementia.

Sadkowski’s volunteer schedule allows him to visit the same family weekly and his presence gives the regular caregiver a break and opportunity to leave the house. He has been a volunteer for over three years now and has been described as an ‘angel’ by the family he visits.

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“The time Adam has given to the family he serves has allowed them to keep their senior loved one at home and out of a nursing home,” said Jody Kanikula, coordinator of in-home senior respite with Metropolitan Family Services. “Adam brings compassion in his caregiver role and has become a valued part of the family.”

Metropolitan Family Services will use the $10,000 cash grant from Exelon to recruit and train new volunteers for the in-home senior respite program and place them with seniors throughout DuPage County who are struggling to remain at home.

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“As the proportion of older adults in the population increases, there is a greater and greater need for assistance to families caring for a senior at home," Sadkowski said. “I’m honored to be a volunteer with Metropolitan Family Services and assist them in strengthening families and communities in DuPage County.”

Terence Donnelly, ComEd chief operating officer, presented Sadkowski his award in Chicago on Friday, May 9.

“Employee volunteers like Adam bring Exelon’s corporate citizenship values to life in the communities where we work and serve,” Donnelly said. “On behalf of all Exelon employees, I am honored to celebrate Adam’s accomplishments. His commitment to Metropolitan Family Services personalizes the impact all of our employees have in the community through their volunteer service.”

Exelon introduced the Energy for the Community Volunteer Awards in 2007 to honor employees who demonstrate exceptional commitment to community service and to encourage increased volunteerism. Sadkowski is one of 18 employees to receive volunteer awards and grants to the nonprofit organizations they serve. Exelon donated a total of $145,000 in cash grants to those nonprofits this year.

Exelon’s Energy for the Community Volunteer Awards were open to all eligible employees from the Exelon family of companies who volunteered at least 50 hours of community service in 2013. Last year, more than 3,800 Exelon employee volunteers gave nearly 88,000 hours of their time to community nonprofit organizations. The donated hours are equivalent to 2,200 workweeks or over 42 years of full-time service.

The awards highlight Exelon’s Energy for the Community corporate citizenship program, which encourages volunteerism to support environmental stewardship; education, arts and culture; neighborhood enhancement; and diversity in the community.

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